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Posts tagged ‘chooper builder’


Custom Chopper Builder Jesse James

Interview with Custom Chopper Builder Jesse James

When your real craftsman, and famous, you have the luxury of working on projects and for people that you are in tune with. Jesse James has made bikes for many athletes, and most wrestlers, but has no problem turning down customers. Here I was thinking he turned Stallone down because of his views on guns and gun control. Seeing as how Jesse James has been into guns for a while and now is a gun manufacturer, and the hypocrisy of Stallone making his living off of movies featuring a lot of gun violence and then being extremely anti-gun, and a supporter of the Brady Bill, etc. But nope, he didn’t sell him a bike cause Stallone wanted yellow…smh Jesse James is a fabricator in his own world, not a people person at all, old school as hell! Read more »