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Posts tagged ‘motorcycle riding California’


California Lane Splitting Rage

Car Driver Blocks Motorcycle  California Lane Splitting

Motorcycle rider says: Before you rip me… I’M NOT WEARING EAR BUDS! I’m wearing ear plugs (motorcycle approved 29db) to prevent hearing loss. I can hear this jerk talking, but I just can’t understand him (or care what he has to say). The music sounds loud because my goPro microphone is inside my helmet right next to the Sena Bluetooth speaker. I can hear horns, sirens, motors, etc. no problem. I can hear better than when I’m in my car with the windows rolled up for example. CVC 27400 section D if you want to look it up.

In 2015,  a study from the University of California, Berkeley showed that lane splitting is safe for motorcycle riders, and in fact is often safer than waiting in traffic! Read more »